Volunteer Training


Volunteer Training For Families Together Suffolk

Training to be a Families Together Suffolk Volunteer

If you are looking for a new challenge and looking to make a difference in your local community, why not try volunteering for us here at Families Together Suffolk.

Our volunteer training courses provide 6 in depth sessions covering a range of topics, all of which are invaluable to becoming a Families Together Suffolk Volunteer.

We offer the training experience which people say is invaluable and also enjoyable.

All new volunteers attend our well respected training course to fully prepare them for their role within Families Together Suffolk.

An example of what one of our typical training courses may involve is set out below.

Families Together Suffolk Volunteer
Families Together

Preparation Course Content

The following is an example of the course content but the schedule is adapted to meet the needs of each group that comes together and will be subject to change.

Introduction And Role of Volunteer
Aim: - To introduce volunteers to the principles of Families Together Suffolk.

Communication And Listening skills
Aim: - To explore aspects of active listening and communicating without words.

Values And Attitudes
Aim: - To raise awareness of differing opinions, values And circumstances.

Family Life And Supporting Parents
Aim: - To evaluate the diverse experiences within a family unit And how Families Together Suffolk helps.

Parents And Children
Aim: - To become more aware of the complexity of parenting And the changing needs of children.

Aim: - To understand the concept of confidentiality And Information sharing.

Safeguarding Children
Aim: - To gain basic but essential knowledge regarding child protection and promote confidence when working in potential abuse situations.

Being a Home-Start Volunteer
Aim: - To highlight emotions surrounding home visiting And appropriate behavior.

Community Support Networks
Aim: - A detailed look at other services/agencies supporting the community.

Bringing the course to a close
Well done you have completed the course!!!
This is an opportunity for volunteers to reaffirm the key messages learned And feel confident about their readiness to begin visiting.

It is usual for us to have a small celebration at the final session by way of a bring-and-share lunch.

Become A Families Together Suffolk Volunteer Today

Families Together Suffolk’s team of trained volunteers make sure a child’s early years count.

By volunteering just a few hours each week you can transform the lives of young children and their parents in your community.

Please Download Our Application Forms

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Families Together Suffolk

Families Together Suffolk Family Groups

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Eye Suffolk IP23 7AF

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© Families Together Suffolk
Reg Charity No.1127760. A company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales no. 6674059.